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公佈日期 2021-11-17
標題 Koala-Fulfillment Amphitheatre
內 容

Topic of the month: Music Class
Name of the Activity: Revealing the secrets of Fulfillment Amphitheatre
Activity Objectives:
Students should be able to tell the names of the sounds by hearing.
Students should be able to answer the questions.
1. When did the theatre open? 2006
2. How old is the theatre? 15 years old
3. How big is Wen-Xin Forest park? 88,800 square meters

0940~0950 Arriving at Wen-Xin Forest Park
0950~1005 Taking photos with the installation art in the park
1010~1020 Visiting Fulfillment Amphitheatre
1020~1050 Game Time-Telling the notes by hearing / Red light Stop! Green light Go!
1050~1100 Returning to Seeds


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